Setting Up Practice as a Pain Doctor

The pain is a terrible master of humanity, even worse than Death itself,” said Nobel Prize winner laureate Albert Schweizer in 1931. This forms the first movement for “Pain Management”. Today, the right pain treatment remains one of the most important and urgent tasks for pain doctors. Generally, medical facilities and staff in particular do not know how to take this responsibility seriously. The implementation reflects the quality, sensitivity, responsibility and, of course, the economic-socio factor.

Specialized pain clinics should be the norm but due to the absence of modern technology, dedicated pain doctors and specialists and advanced facilities, pain management is becoming an important problem in our country. The lack of a formal treatment strategy plan leaves a big gap in health care. Even advanced countries show that 15-20% of the population have acute pain (medical and surgical emergencies, postoperative pain, accidents and injuries and 25-30% have all chronic pain (as in chronic pain, cancer pain, migraine, arthritis, neuropathic pain, etc.).

Managing the Treatment of Chronic Pain

Chronic pain violates the ability to work and have a productive life. Pain has serious economic and social suffering and consequences. For example, half or two-thirds of all chroniclers people who suffer from pain are disabled for days or in part (headaches and migraine), weeks or months (using CRPS) and some even suffer from persistent pains (such as back pain, cancer pain and arthritis. The human mind is a miracle of nature that it has resilience, to be able to normalize itself after the experiencing a painful tormenting pain as soon as it’s over. Like a woman working or a man after a fight of urethral colic, which drives away the stone, the pain can be forgotten if it is for a limited time. But chronic pain is different, the phenomenon has refused the luxury of forgetfulness.

Knowing About Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is a mystery that goes without any obvious violation or reason and has no recognizable purpose or aim. As we have just discovered, the other is the protective mechanism like neuropathic pain, complex regional syndromes and cancer pain that inevitably develops neuropathic traits to make it unbearable. Chronic pain comes for various reasons, it can vary in its mild to severe intensity, but most invariably its characteristic is its inexorable constant. Light chronic pain can erode capacities, work, relax or do hobbies by changing the quality of life. Moderate pain can make work impossible with the need of urgent recovery from pain doctors. Severe chronic pain affects all tolerance and dignity, which makes death a welcome liberation.

All these degrees of pain also exist in our society, not only in patients with terminal cancer, but in patients with back pain, back pain syndrome, neuralgia, to name a few. Neuropathy (diabetic, malnutrition, drug induced, etc.). Medical education is oriented to a logical cause and the impact on disease. Acute pain usually have an organic cause and as such is very favorable for the traditional treatment. Unfortunately, this approach has failed. Facing with the riddle of chronic pain as its branches are alone on the body and the mind unraveled. Patients are referred to several specialists and pain doctors in an attempt to get a proper diagnosis and for the management of pain.